I am a postdoc at MIT Math. Before this I did a one-year postdoc at CMU hosted by Prof. Aayush Jain and Prof. Pravesh Kothari. I graduated from Harvard in 2022 advised by Prof. Madhu Sudan and was an undergrad at IIT Madras.
My research is focussed on complexity theory and algorithms, specifically the complexity of combinatorial optimization problems, sum of squares algorithms and high dimensional expanders.


  • Quasi-Linear Size PCPs with Small Soundness from HDX.
         with Dor Minzer and Nikhil Vyas (Appendix D by Zhiwei Yun)
  • Rounding Large Independent Sets on Expanders.
         with Tim Hsieh and Pravesh Kothari
  • Constant Degree Direct Product Testers with Small Soundness.
         with Noam Lifshitz and Dor Minzer
         FOCS 2024
  • Characterizing Direct Product Testing via Coboundary Expansion.
         with Dor Minzer
         STOC 2024
  • Solving Unique Games over Globally Hypercontractive Graphs.
         with Dor Minzer
         CCC 2024
  • Polynomial-Time Power-Sum Decomposition of Polynomials.
         with Tim Hsieh, Pravesh Kothari and Jeff Xu
         FOCS 2022
  • Hypercontractivity on High Dimensional Expanders: a Local-to-Global Approach for Higher Moments.
         with Max Hopkins, Tali Kaufman and Shachar Lovett
         STOC 2022
  • High Dimensional Expanders: Eigenstripping, Pseudorandomness, and Unique Games.
         with Max Hopkins, Tali Kaufman and Shachar Lovett
         SODA 2022
  • Playing Unique Games on Certified Small-Set Expanders.
         with Boaz Barak, Pravesh Kothari, Tselil Schramm and David Steurer
         STOC 2021
  • Optimal Fine-grained Hardness of Approximation of Linear Equations.
         with Nikhil Vyas
         ICALP 2021
  • Local decoding and testing of polynomials over grids
         with Srikanth Srinivasan and Madhu Sudan
         Random Structures and Algorithms (Journal)
  • Imperfect Gaps in Gap-ETH and PCPs.
         with Nikhil Vyas
         CCC 2019
  • Communication-Rounds Tradeoffs for Common Randomness and Secret Key Generation.
         with Badih Ghazi, Noah Golowich and Madhu Sudan
         SODA 2019
  • Thwarting Adversarial Examples: An L_0-Robust Sparse Fourier Transform.
         with Jack Murtagh and Nikhil Vyas
         NeurIPS 2018
  • The Price of Selection in Differential Privacy.
         with Jonathan Ullman
         COLT 2017
  • On the Sensitivity Conjecture for Read-k Formulas
         with Satyanarayana V. Lokam, Sébastien Tavenas and Ameya Velingker
         MFCS 2016
  • Manuscripts

  • Elementary analysis of isolated zeroes of a polynomial system.
         with Madhu Sudan, Santhoshini Velusamy and David Xiang
  • An Exposition of Dinur-Khot-Kindler-Minzer-Safra’s Proof for the 2-to-2 Games Conjecture.
         with Chi-Ning Chou and Zhao Song
  • Teaching

  • Information Theory in Computer Science (Harvard CS229r, Spring 2019)
         Graduate Teaching Fellow, assistant to Madhu Sudan.